These words have two parts. They all mean different things if you say them with your voice going up or down! 😮
Here is one — the word record.
- If you say RE-cord, it is a noun. >> The world REcord for the 100m run is 9.58 seconds.
- If you say re-CORD, it is a verb. >> Can I reCORD you when you sing?
Here are some more words like this.
Word | Noun : HIGH - low | Verb : low - HIGH |
conflict | An argument, or a war >> The Civil War was a CONflict between the states. | To disagree >> I hope we do not conFLICT. |
contest | A sports match >> Who won the football CONtest? | To battle or argue >> I hope nobody conTESTS my decision. |
contrast | A difference >> There is a lot of CONtrast between black and white. | To find or talk about differences >> Please conTRAST these two songs. |
extract | Something you get out of something else >> Vanilla EXtract comes from a bean. | To get something out of something else >> Please exTRACT this stick from my arm. It hurts. |
incense | It smells nice when you burn it >> INsense makes smoke when it burns. | To get mad >> I was inSENSED when I got a ticket for going 37 mph! |
increase | Something that goes up >> I worked hard and got a pay INcrease. | To make something go up >> I hope you can inCREASE my pay. |
insult | A bad thing you say about somebody >> Hey! I do not like that INsult! | To say something bad about somebody >> Do not inSULT me! |
invite | A message about coming to visit >> I am having a party. Did you get my INvite? | To ask someone to visit >> I will inVITE all my friends to my party. |
perfect | [this can happen with adjectives too] Describes something very good >> I got a PERfect score on my test! | To make something very good >> I worked hard to perFECT my accent. |
permit | A piece of paper that says you can do something >> I got my driving PERmit! | To say it is OK to do something >> Will you perMIT me to speak now? |
rebel | A person who does not agree with rules >> He does not listen to his mother! He is a REbel! | To disagree with rules >> His children are reBELLing. They never do what he asks! |
record | Something that is written or saved >> I forgot my password, and I don't have a REcord of it! | To write or save something >> Can you reCORD this song on your phone? |
reject | Something that is not good enough, and you throw away >> We need to send these shoes back! Put them in the REject box. | To decide, or say, that something is not good enough >> He tried to be nice, but she reJECTed him |
suspect | Someone who maybe did something bad, but you are not sure >> She was not home when all the ice cream was eaten, so she is not a SUSpect. | To think someone did something bad, but you are not sure >> Hmmm... he has chocolate all over his face. I susPECT he ate all the ice cream. |
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