I made 3 videos to teach some new words.  Here is the first one.


Click here to see another video like this.

The United States was neutral at the start of the war.

This lesson explains this word, and that neutrality does not always keep you safe.


Thank you, Rose Marie, for getting the information for me to make this lesson!

This lesson explains the 4 MAIN reasons for why World War 1 started:

  • M — Militarism
  • A — Alliances
  • I — Imperialism
  • N — Nationalism

Wow, big words! The lesson explains them. 😅


This is a very important lesson.

There were slaves in America? 😳  It is hard to understand how!

Thank you, Ms. Mary, for explaining how this happened.


John Peter Zenger was a refugee from Germany.  🏃‍♂️ ⚠  💥 🇩🇪

His family came to America because there were many wars in Germany. He was only 13. His father died during the trip. 😔

What did Zenger do in America? Watch and learn!


Where is America?  In North America!

What? How?  🤨

Watch this and see. 😀

You will also learn about important rivers 🏞 and mountains 🏔.


Important words:

  • Triangular Trade  📐 💱
  • Mercantilism 👶🇺🇸  →  💸  →  🇬🇧👑
  • Salutary Neglect 🙋  🙈


I am very excited to have a lesson by a special guest teacher:  Ms. Mary!  😀🎉🎉🎉

She will teach about the Civil War. Her first lesson is about some important things that happened before the war.


This lesson is about the Magna Carta and the House of Burgesses.
And a little extra about the birth of New York City!

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With easy verbs, you add -ed to the end for past tense.  Those are called regular verbs.

Irregular means “not regular“.  They are strange, and we have a lot of them.

My favorite teacher, Ronnie, has a good lesson. She explains that there are three types of these verbs. That helps make it easier!

She also has this nice list to study.


She mentions some special kinds of past. To learn more, see the lessons about past perfects and past participle.
